September 17, 2010 - M.A.D., Moore, and Angels Beneath Me at The Haunt, Ithaca

This show had some problems. Initially, M.A.D. was not on the bill, it was supposed to be Vindicator and Aggressor. Unfortunately, Vindicator lost one of their main members and had to cancel the first few dates of their tour, and since Aggressor was traveling with them, we lost both bands. Mutually Assured Destruction from, I believe, Moravia, were awesome enough to cover one of the slots at short notice. (Pictures)

Next up was Moore from Denver, Colorado. I was thrilled to have these guys come all the way out and perform here in Ithaca. We have been playing them on The Last Exit for the Lost for years now, and their latest CD is just amazing. (Pictures)

And finally, headlining the night, also from Moravia, NY, Angels Beneath Me. This was to be vocalist Chano's last show with the band, but things changed. As of 2011, he is still in the band. (Pictures)

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